Photos of Jerusalem (Set 2). Click on a thumbnail to see a full-size image.

Micki on the Temple Mount. The Dome of the Rock is behind her.
Taken from in front of the Al-Aqsa mosque, with the Dome of the Rock in the background.
The Dome of the Rock in all its glory. The building dates back to the 7th century. The original gold of the dome was removed and melted down long ago; the current dome is actually plated in anodized aluminum.
Micki at the Western Wall.
This is the view from the ramparts which surround the old city. Through the forest of antennae, you can see to the east the Dome of the Rock and behind it the Mount of Olives.
When you take a tour of the tunnel that runs under the old city, you stop halfway through at a small theatre where this model, a reproduction of the Temple Mount area in King Herod's time, is located. The bright white rectangle represents the section of the Western Wall which is currently visible. The tunnel runs along the wall's original base, well underground. When you reach the spot which is directly across from the "holy of holies" of the old temple--approximately where the Dome of the Rock is now--there is a small Jewish shrine. Note the bridge that led from Jerusalem over the ravine into the Temple compound; that bridge is now underground, and the tunnel tour passes under its arches.
A picturesque view of the Western Wall plaza.
Our last view of the old city from the window of our Laromme Hotel room.

 Photos of Jerusalem (Set 1)

Description of Jerusalem
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