Photos of the Sinai. Click on a thumbnail to see a full-size image.

This photo was taken not far from the Taba border crossing. The Salahaldeen Fortress was built in the twelfth century. It's possible to visit it, but we didn't have time on our "Sinai Flash" tour.
Micki at a scenic spot on the Red Sea.
Nuweiba. The Sinai sun-hat (purchased in Eilat) is now my Berkeley rain-hat.
I was so captivated by this view that I asked Monsour to stop the car so I could take a photo. The photograph crowds the space and fails to convey the impression of vastness which the landscape holds here. Monsour asked for a copy of this photograph. He said he didn't have a picture of this part of the Sinai. The desert seems to be in his blood.
The view from the top of Mt. Sinai, looking east. Sunset is not far off.
The horizontal rays of the setting sun cast shadows on the wall of the small chapel atop Mt. Sinai.
Nabil, Monsour, and Micki enjoy an Egyptian meal in the hostel near St. Catherine.
Monsour plays Bedouin guitar.
The courtyard of the St. Catherine monastery. Micki is eating a "curiously strong mint"; the box never left her side during our entire trip.
This is an overview of the St. Catherine monastery complex.
Monsour, myself, Micki, and Nabil in front of our Land Cruiser.
The Small Canyon, somewhere in the Sinai.
Our Land Cruiser in its natural habitat.
Away off in the distance, that little patch of green is the Ein Hodra oasis.

Description of the Sinai
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